Membership Renewals

MARGE Membership Renewals ONLY

All MARGE memberships expire on December 31 of a given year . Your Expiry Date is noted on your membership card.

MARGE will always send you a Renewal Notice before your membership will expire. You will receive a renewal notice, either by mail or by email, in November of the year in which your membership is set to expire .

Please do not submit a renewal payment unless you have received a Renewal Notice from MARGE.  If you are unsure of your renewal date, please contact us at  or call 204-956-0045 and we will be happy to confirm your renewal date .

How to Renew 

Once you have received your renewal notice, you may renew your membership by completing the renewal form you are sent and mailing it back to us along with your cheque, money order or cash,


You may use this form to renew your membership and pay your renewal fees by using a credit card (only MasterCard or VISA).  

Please only submit a payment once. 

The Annual Membership Fee is still only $15.00. You may renew your membership for up to 3 years (current year plus 2 renewals). The maximum credit card payment allowed is $45.00. Please note MARGE does not refund membership payments.

Your Name *

Please use the name that we would have for you in our records. This will help ensure your MARGE membership renewal gets processed as efficiently as possible...

Your Membership Number

If you know your unique membership number, enter it here so we can connect this payment with your existing membership information

Your Street Address *
Your Pension
Your Phone Number*
Your Email *