MARGE Constitution

Manitoba Association of Retired Government Employees (MARGE) Inc. - CONSTITUTION

1. Name

The Manitoba Government Retired Employees Association (MGREA), was established as an Association of persons in receipt of a pension or entitled to a deferred pension under the terms of the Manitoba Civil Service Superannuation Act and/or enrolled under the Province of Manitoba Employees Group Life Insurance Plans or Legislative Assembly Pension Plan. The Association will be known as the Manitoba Association of Retired Government Employees (MARGE) Inc., herein after referred to in the rest of this Constitution as “MARGE” or “Association”.
Amended to new registered name with Corporations Office April 15, 2015

2. Location of Office(s)

The headquarters, along with any additional offices of “MARGE” shall be located at such place as shall, from time to time, be determined by the Executive Officers.

3. Objectives

The objectives of “MARGE” shall be:

  1. To advocate, and to be recognized by the Manitoba Government as a voice for current pensioners and deferred pensioners of the Manitoba Civil Service Superannuation Fund, in regards to plan improvements, as well as funds derived from surplus monies generated by the Civil Service Superannuation and Group Insurance Funds.
  2. To promote and create awareness of, and participation in this Association.
  3. To provide a medium for the members of MARGE to voice their common issues, as former employees of the Manitoba Government and it’s various Agencies, Boards and Commissions, to the appropriate venue.
  4. To monitor and ensure to the best of the Association, that the integrity and the security of the Superannuation Pension, and Group Insurance plans are being maintained;
  5. To strive to obtain proportional retiree representation on the Board of the Civil Service Superannuation Fund, by lobbying the Manitoba Government, and to have two elected representatives from the members of MARGE as members of the Civil Service Superannuation Fund Board.
  6. To promote an economical and beneficial voluntary group health plan(s) for the Benefit of the members, of “MARGE”.

4. Membership

  1. Membership in "MARGE" is open to all persons who will be receiving a pension from any of the following at the time of retirement:
    • the Manitoba Civil Service Superannuation Fund
    • the Legislative Assembly Pension Plan
    • persons receiving a spousal pension from any plan noted herein
    • individuals who receive a deferred pension from any plan noted herein
    • Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union Staff covered by the Civil Service Superannuation Fund.
    • Any Municipal employee who at the time of retirement, belonged to a pension plan, that was contributed to by their employer, during the time of their employment.
    • Any Employee, who at the time of retirement, worked for an Agency, Board, Crown Corporation, Commission, or the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Manitoba.
    • Any employee whose position was unionized under the MGEU and was directly or indirectly funded by government and now has an employer/employee funded pension plan or RRSP Plan.
    • Any person who was an employee of a now private company, that was a government civil servant before the time of the sale of that agency, or department section to private industry is eligible to become a member of MARGE. A letter of proof of employment start and finish dates provided by the employer, must be included with a Membership Application to MARGE. Added April 26, 2017
    • No person who became an employee of the private company, after the date of change of that Agency or department section, becoming a private company; can become a member of MARGE. Added April 26, 2017
    A person is considered a member of "MARGE"; when they have paid their annual membership fee, as set out in By-Law 1.11 of this Association, and, have satisfied the above mentioned criteria for membership. Section completely amended April 15, 2015
  2. Spouses of deceased members may become an Associate Member of the Association, and pay the annual member fee, as set out in the By-Laws; and be considered a non-voting member.
  3. The Executive of Marge may at their discretion, recommend a person who has given of themselves, for the betterment of the Association; for consideration as a Life Member of MARGE, which will be then considered and voted on at the Annual General Meeting. A simple majority (50% +1) vote is required, to pass a motion, regarding Life Members names that have been put forward for consideration. Amended by adding May 11, 2011
  4. A person, who has served, or, is the current President of MARGE, shall automatically become a Life Member of MARGE. Amended by adding May 11, 2011

5. Executive Officers

The Executive Officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Immediate Past President of “MARGE”. The Past President will normally have served as President for the whole of the preceding year. The Executive Officers as well as any committee members shall serve without remuneration, but may be reimbursed for certain expenses according to financial guidelines that may be established, or set out in the By-Laws.

6. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall be held on a date, and at a place, established by the executive officers, at least once per calendar year.

7. Election of Officers

The Executive Officers shall be elected by a majority vote by secret ballot, at the Annual General Meeting, for a two (2) year term. Any person running for an Executive Officer position shall be present to be nominated, or have provided a letter of intent, agreeing to run for a specific position, on the Executive.

Upon initial acceptance of this Constitution, the President and Treasurer will be elected for a two-year term; and the Vice President and Secretary will be for a one year term, with subsequent elections being for two-year term, for all elected officer positions.

8. Vacancies in Office

In the event of a vacancy in any executive officer office occurring during the term of that office, the membership shall elect a person to fill the remaining term of that office at the next regular meeting after the position was vacated. The remaining term of that office shall be for the period remaining of the person that had vacated that office. Notice of the election for the given vacant officer position, shall be sent out to the membership, with the next notice of meeting.

9. Duties of Officers

  1. Removed by amendment approved on April 26, 2017.
  2. Removed by amendment approved on April 26, 2017.
  3. Removed by amendment approved on April 26, 2017.
  4. Removed by amendment approved on April 26, 2017.
  5. Removed by amendment approved on April 26, 2017.
  6. Removed by amendment approved on April 15, 2015.

10. Sub-Committees

  1. Nominating Committee: shall be appointed at a regular meeting of the membership. Nominations for an Executive Officer position can also be made, from the floor, by a member present at the Annual General Meeting, where and when elections take place, of this Association. Nominees from the floor must agree to run for the position for which they are nominated, or the nomination is considered void.
  2. Constitution Committee: shall consist of a minimum of 3 members of the Association who will receive and make recommendations to the membership, prior to the Annual General Meeting, regarding any proposed changes, and / or amendments to this Constitution.
  3. Additional Committees: If the Executive decides to form a committee, to perform a specific task, they can do so, under the terms of this Constitution.

11. Fiscal Year

The financial and fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year, from January 1 to December 31.

12. Constitutional Amendments

This Constitution shall be reviewed at least annually by the Constitutional Committee Members, and all proposed amendments and changes to this Constitution shall be only accepted when there is at least a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Association members present at the Annual General Meeting.

Proposed Amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted to the Constitution Committee, in writing, for consideration, or amendment thereto by the Constitution Committee, and then be considered for presentation to the membership at the next Annual General Meeting.

All proposed amendments to the Constitution, as approved to go forward by the Constitution Committee, shall be presented to the membership of this Association, at least 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.

13. Quorum

After a meeting has been duly called, and the membership has officially and duly been notified, upon the sending out, of a notice of meeting, by Canada Post or by electronic means; a quorum shall consist of at least two (2) executive officers and a minimum of twenty-five (25) Association Members.

14. Voting and Resolutions

  1. At meetings of this Association, each paid up member in attendance shall be entitled to one vote, with the exception of the President, who shall vote only to break a tie. The President is entitled to vote during the annual General Meeting for the election of Executive Officers.
  2. All motions of the Association, with the exception of the Constitutional Amendments, must be approved by a majority decision of the members present, for the motion to be considered Carried.

15. Meetings

The Association shall hold at least two (2) meetings a year, to be called by the President; one of which will be the Annual General Meeting. The President, at the request of any three accredited members, may call special meetings. Notification of any regular or special or Annual General meeting shall be forwarded to members, and be received, at least 14 days prior to the meeting.

16. Membership Fees

Membership fees in the Association shall be as set out in the By-Laws of the association.

17. Rules of Order

The rules of order of this Association shall be Robert's Rules of Order.

18. By-Laws

This Association may establish, or change By-Laws by a majority decision of the members present, at an Annual General Meeting. Any By-Law so established shall not take precedence over any part or section of this Constitution.

19. Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of this Association, the assets shall be disposed of by transferring them to a registered Charitable Organization.

20. This constitution shall be gender neutral.

21. Effective Date

This Constitution shall come into effect on the date of signing and shall remain in force until repealed or amended.

  • Passed this 13th day of October, in the year 2010, in the City of Winnipeg.
  • Signed this 13th day of October, in the year 2010, in the City of Winnipeg.

Signed: Ida Rocan

Signed: Brian Monkman
Chairperson, Constitution Committee

  • Sections 4c and 4d were approved and added to the constitution on May 11, 2011.
  • Sections 1, 4a and 9f were approved as amended to this constitution on April 15, 2015.
  • Section 4 added last two bullets to protect former government employees who now work for a private arms length private company that had been a government department or agency on April 26, 2017.
  • Section 9 removed a, b, c, d, e, and moved responsibilities and duties of officers to the Bylaws of the Association on April 26, 2017.

Brian Monkman,