AGM Minutes

Annual General Meeting (AGM) April 26, 2023 Masonic Memorial Centre

1. Opening remarks

The President, Barry Miller welcomed those attending and called the meeting to order at 1:08 pm. Please note that 88 members attended this annual general meeting.

2. Approval of Agenda

  • Motion to approve the agenda was made by Diane Webb.
  • Seconded by John Helliar
  • All were in favour.
  • None were opposed.
  • Carried.

3. Acceptance of the Minutes from the last AGM held on May 4, 2022 (previously distributed to members)

  • Motion to approve the minutes from the AGM held on May 4, 2022 made by Heather Hartry.
  • Seconded by Beatrice White.
  • All were in favour.
  • None were opposed.
  • Carried.

4. President’s Report (previously distributed to members)

Barry Miller thanked the 2022 board members for all their work as well as the work of Betty Miller (volunteer).

Barry also extended his thanks to Pat Shipham for all her work on the MARGE website. He also thanked Brian Peto for his work regarding the Johnson benefits for the MARGE members. He thanked Jessica Simpson from Johnson for all her work for MARGE.

Barry reported that there was an annual general meeting held on May 4, 2022 and a Christmas luncheon on December 14, 2022.

Much work has been undertaken over the past year to upgrade the membership program called Catalyst used by MARGE.

Barry extended thanks to Bob Bouchard and Betty Miller for their upgrade work.

Further work was undertaken on the MARGE website. Barry indicated that the MARGE volunteers responded to many emails and phone calls over the past year.

Barry reported that each year new members join MARGE. A total of 59 individuals have joined MARGE so far in 2023. At present there are approximately 3,000 members.

5. Financial Report (previously distributed to members)

The Vice President, Bob Bouchard reviewed the MARGE Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2022 (consisting of the Statement of Financial Position, the Statement of Operations, the Statement of Changes in Net Assets and the Statement of Cash Flows). He advised that there were a few errors in the 2023 Budget sent to members but the actual 2023 Budget numbers were unaffected. The information being presented today has the correct numbers. Bob stated that MARGE is in good financial shape, investments are in GICs, and MARGE had $316,000 in total assets as of December 31, 2022.

For the Statement of Operations for Year Ended December 31, 2022, Bob indicated that the revenue numbers are stable. The greatest expenditure in 2022 was the upgrade work on the Catalyst Program. At the end of 2022, MARGE had $30,000 excess of revenues over expenses.

Bob Bouchard reviewed the 2023 Budget. There will be an amount of $15,000 required for further work on the Catalyst upgrade. As well, MARGE will be purchasing new office chairs for the volunteers as the present chairs are in need of replacement. A member asked if MARGE would approach the government for used office chairs. Bob indicated the preference was to purchase new chairs.

Another member asked if there is an annual fee for the Catalyst Program once the upgrade is completed. Bob said there will not be an annual fee but there will be ongoing maintenance fees each year for this program.

A member suggested that MARGE members who are up to date with their membership fees should have their membership fees waived the following year. Bob noted that various ideas are being considered and that the current practice is that for those who join late in the year (after November 1), they are not charged for the remaining few months of that year.

A member asked if the budget includes the travel of MARGE to other parts of the province. Bob stated that this is covered in the promotions budget line.

A member asked that if MARGE ceased to exist would members still have access to the Johnson Insurance. Bob stated that the group health plan needs a sponsor to exist, whether that is MARGE or another organization. However, it is likely the plan would not continue should MARGE cease operations.

Bob also stated that MARGE needs to create a strategic plan

Acceptance of Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2022 and the 2023 Budget.

  • Motion to accept the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022 and the 2023 budget made by Dan Thagard.
  • Seconded by Patricia Calpa.
  • All were in favour.
  • None were opposed.
  • Carried.

6. Election of Executives 

Bob Bouchard reported that our plea for volunteers was successful. Allan Bartlett has volunteered to be the Treasurer and Linda Kirton has volunteered to be the Secretary.

  1. Current President Barry Miller, will continue on the Executive for 1 year, as Past President.
    President As previously reported, Vice President, Robert Bouchard, agreed to be nominated for President for a two-year term.
    • Motion to elect Robert (Bob) Bouchard as President for a two-year term made by Neil Branson.
    • Seconded by a member. Failed to get a name.
    • All were in favour.
    • None were opposed.
    • Carried.
  2. Vice President Bob Bouchard reported that a few members have expressed interest in being appointed to this position. The plan is to interview these individuals and to announce the appointment of the Vice President in the next few months.
  3. Our Treasurer, Jane Inouye, stepped down at the beginning of 2023. Allan Bartlett has volunteered to fill the vacant Treasurer position.
    • Motion to elect Allan Bartlett as Treasurer for a two-year term made by Ron Porath.
    • Seconded by Jim Barbour
    • All were in favour.
    • None were opposed.
    • Carried.
  4. As previously reported, our Secretary, Roy Dixon, passed away unexpectedly early in 2023. Linda Kirton volunteered to fill the vacant Secretary position.
    • Motion to appoint Linda Kirton as Secretary for a one-year term made by Betty Miller.
    • Seconded by Joletta Brown.
    • All were in favour.
    • None were opposed.
    • Carried.

7. Subcommittees 

A Constitution Committee has been formed with the following members:

  • Heather Leonoff (chair)
  • Ray Friesen
  • Jayesh Maniar

Nominating Committee needs more members. So far, Richard Sohor has agreed to sit on this committee. 
Benefits Committee needs to be formed. A member suggested that the knowledge of Brian Peto be kept (recorded/documented). 

8. Adjournment 

Bob Bouchard thanked Barry Miller for his years of service on the MARGE executive including positions of Vice President and President.

  • Motion to adjourn meeting at 1:50 pm made by Brian Monkman.   
  • All were in favour.
  • None were opposed.
  • Carried.

Respectively submitted, 

Linda Kirton,